What is rumpology?
Correct answer: Art of reading folds in buttocks

how is this a science question?

Alas Ken
They could read mine, but it's got a crack in it.

I don't want to know that bad!

Someone help me. Even after reading the description I still think this a joke 😂

It's comforting to know that the money we spend on movies is going to support great causes like this...

sounds like horrible job….geez

Player #85315195
wouldn't this method be malpractice outside of a grifters office?

Player #92723922
How can my future be all behind me? 🙃

Personally speaking my wife reckons I’m an expert at it, especially when it concerns her. 🤣

Alas Ken, Mine's got a hole in it as well 😆

Yeah... she used to call into Howard Stern all the time

Tina M.
I would be too embarrassed to have this done!

This just sounds like a woman with a preference she doesn’t want to say out loud.

Alas Ken!! that was funny!!! I Thank you!!😄

I would think getting a clear photograph would be a challenge. I wonder how many clients she has?

It sounds like a very interesting job. It would be difficult to concentrate and I would probably get charged with sexual harassment.

Player #25874027
Sounds more like the creation of Rambling Sid Rumpo. A character from Kenneth Williams.
That’s not Rambling Rambo the indirect creation of Jackie Stallone