If Theresa's daughter is my daughter's mother, who am I to Theresa?
Correct answer: Daughter

How is this a trivia question? I don't see why it's here

Son on law

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
From among the choices given, only 'Daughter' is valid, otherwise, son-in-law also fits perfectly. About the sentence "Note there are only females....", just two words: Terrible composition!

Story Goes Like This :: two men are apprehended and they will not give their identification of any kind. One of the men says **brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my Father's son.** it's an amusing little head-scratcher but it doesn't belong in a game like this.

3 generations,
2:Question asker(Theresa's daughter) 3:daughter(Theresa's grandchild)

Player #3833664
Scratch head question indeed

Its Keiran
This makes no sense... me should have been an option